Video : « Njama Njama Cow » remix – Stanley Enow ft. Sarkodie (Review)



Few days ago the auto-claimed « King Stanley Enow » released the remix of the « Njama Njama Cow » featuring ghanean rapper Sarkodie. What do I think about it ?

Attention, the following words express my humble and « subjective truth »… In other words, my opinion. (Thought it would be wise to warn you guys…)‎

Ya’ll know what I thought ‎about the original song (lyrically poor), and I hope some of you guys recovered from my previous article, because it’s about to go down ! No just kidding, put away the pop corn, I’ll be brief this time (well I’ll try…).

For starters, I’ll quote the caption of the video directed by ghanean David Nicol-Sey and posted on Youtube :

Motherland Empire and SarkCess Introduces one of Africa’s biggest rap collabo’s that ever lived… »

Really ? When you invite a peer on your track, you somehow expose yourself‎ at the risk that the latter outstands… more than you. Should I draw a picture for sensitive viewers ? Stanley Enow tried his best to keep it up flow wise, but hello it’s Sarkodie ! I won’t comment on the fact that the ghanean rapper points out how much he usely takes for a featuring but did this one for free because he loved the track… Not quite sure how to interprete it… Bref… I prefer this version, and to me only this video should have been released.

‎To be picky, ‎I would have rather appreci‎ated name dropping‎ with at least one cameroonian. Yeah I’m a patriot ! Don’t get me wrong, what’s happening to Stanley Enow is still great news for cameroonian hip hop and urban scene in general, but allow a girl to be perfectionnist and to want what’s best for her country. Because I always look at the bigger picture and the future… This is indeed the way I choose to contribute in this passionnate journey that is ours.

Conclusion, I salute the existence of the collabo which is great exposure for Stanley and Cameroon generally speaking. I still think that the artist can do better in terms of lyrics, generosity with his fellow citizens, authenticity, originality… Start working bruh ! We’re still waiting for the album…

What did you think about the song and the video Wanda People ?

PS : Can someone tell me how to pronounce Sarkodie ? Because I heard two versions of it… Sarkod(y) or Sarkod(ié) ?

Check out my interview at Nostalgie Radio with Brice Albin

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Céline Victoria Fotso ou l'esprit créatif. Femme d'affaires, designer, community manager ou architecte événementielle, telles sont les multiples casquettes de Céline Victoria Fotso, fondatrice de Je Wanda Magazine. Riche de ses expériences multiples, cette diplômée en marketing de l'Ecole Supérieure du Management de l'Entreprise à Nice et de l'Académie des Arts et du Design de Montréal, se consacre depuis trois ans à bâtir un pôle d'activités créatives tourné vers l'Afrique. Ainsi, après avoir collaboré au sein des services marketing et commercial d'enseignes de renom telles que Yves-Saint Laurent, Michaël Kors, Smalto, ou encore Réminiscence, cette passionnée de culture, d'Afrique aux goûts éclectiques finit par créer Je Wanda & Co, un concept nouveau à mi-chemin entre le web, l'événementiel, la mode et la communication. Véritable fruit de sa brillante inventivité, et de son insatiable fascination pour les individus et la mixité des cultures. Son rêve : Incarner une Afrique jeune, moderne et en mouvement, loin des multiples stéréotypes négatifs récurrents. Autrement dit, montrer une Afrique résolument positive qui ose.


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