26 C
lundi, juin 17, 2024

Ça chauffe !

Video : « It’s not about charity. It’s about sharity » – Mallence Bart Williams at TED x Berlin


See Mallence Bart Williams speak on the contradiction of charity sent to Africa, the need of Afrca’s resources that supplies the world economy and how we change the way we view the way we « help » Africa and it’s people. 

In a TED X Berlin Salon talk, Mallence Bart-Williams shares her concerns for the “richest country of the world”. She talks about the economic imbalance given that the western world relies heavily on Africa’s wealth and yet our currency has little value in comparison and organisations like Oxfam, UNICEF and the Red Cross insist on spending huge amounts of money to create PR campaigns that paint Africa out to be poor and dying and surviving on the mercy of the West. They give with one hand under the flashing lights of cameras and then take back with the other hand when no one is watching. She quotes Jacques Chirac :

We have to be honest and acknowledge that a big part of the money in our banks comes precisely from the exploitation of the African content. Without Africa France will slide down in the ranks of a third world power.

« It’s not about charity. It’s about sharing »…

Check this very bold and honest presentation… Inspirational… A MUST SEE !

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